A chemical exfoliation to brighten, tighten and treat your skin

When skin is aged, dull or pigmented, chemical skin peels are an excellent choice to give your face an uplifting boost. The chemical exfoliate breaks the bond between cells, allowing them to shed and reveal the healthy, radiant skin that lies beneath.

Skin Peel solutions derive from natural and organic ingredients such as most AHAs (for example, Lactic, Mandelic and Glycolic) and BHAs (Salicylic), or can be from synthetic origins such as TCA (trichloroacetic). Chemical peels help to improve and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, scars, acne and pigmentation.

At Skin Reset, we use primarily organic peels of various strengths and, TCA. The choice of peel will depend on your goal and desired results.


What are Skin Peels?

Your treatment will start with a thorough cleanse of the skin, removing all excess oil. Your peel is then carefully applied to the skin and allowed to work, generally for between 2-10 minutes, depending on the strength of the peel and your specific skin condition.

Once the peel has broken down the bond between your skin cells, it is neutralised and removed before your post-peel aftercare is applied.

Depending on the Skin Peel used, your skin may start shedding after 3 days, and your new skin is revealed after 5-7 days.

Who are Skin Peels Good For?

Chemical skin peels are used to improve skin tone, texture and some skin conditions on the face, neck, decollete and hands.

They are exceptionally good at reducing the appearance of sun damage, uneven skin colour, some types of acne and scar tissue and are suitable for all skin types.

Those with darker skin tones may need to follow a pre-peel programme to reduce the likelihood of developing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).

Although we can treat all skin types, we don’t recommend having the treatment if any of the following circumstances apply:

  • If you have a history of Keloid scars and any abnormal skin scarring

  • If you are taking medication that may compromise your sensitivity to light

  • If you are pregnant or breast-feeding

  • If you cannot avoid sun exposure during the healing process.

  • If you are on hormonal therapy

Your aesthetician will discuss your skin concerns and medical history during your consultation to advise on the most suitable skin peel.

What You Should Know…

As the chemical skin peels work, it’s normal for the skin to feel warm, tingly or have a mild stinging sensation. After your treatment, your skin may feel tighter than normal and in some cases, you may have a sun-kissed appearance, which will ease in the days after your treatment.

To get the most out of your treatment, before you leave the clinic you will be given aftercare recommendations to follow

Please note:

  • This treatment can trigger cold sores. If you are susceptible to cold sores, please speak to your GP or a pharmacist for preventative measures

  • You should discontinue retinol products 3-5 days before the peel

Is it suitable for me?

Book a consultation using the button below to discuss the right course of treatment for you.

Why Skin Reset?

  • Our medical-grade treatments are based on scientific research proven to enhance and improve your skin’s health and appearance using minimally invasive techniques. We specialise in slowing down the ageing process and providing solutions for concerns such as acne, pigmentation and scarring.

  • Our products, like our treatments, are scientifically proven to benefit your skin, allowing you to take our skincare expertise home. Our range can improve your skin’s texture, tone, elasticity and glow.

  • Our passion lies in providing outstanding result-driven aesthetic treatments while educating our clients about how they can properly look after and care for their skin to prolong the results of their treatment.

Not sure which treatment is for you?

To better understand your skin and its needs, we offer in-person aesthetic consultations at our London studio to discuss your goals and desired outcomes, providing you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision on your choice of treatment.

*The consultation fee is redeemable against a treatment or products purchased or booked on the same day.