NASA technology that uses LED to help compromised cells regenerate naturally

Celluma is a high-density Light Emitting Diode (LED) that increases the production of collagen and elastin, increases blood circulation and decreases inflammation by helping tissue heal naturally from the inside, out.

LED phototherapy utilises light energy to achieve therapeutic benefits through improved cellular performance and is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Celluma is FDA and CE approved.


What is Celluma Light Therapy?

Research has shown that LED phototherapy can: increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, kill acne bacteria, decrease inflammation, and improve skin tone, texture and clarity. 

Your treatment will commence with a thorough cleanse of your face to remove any lotions, creams and serums that may decrease effectiveness by restricting light penetration.

Following this, the Celluma LED will be placed over the face, whilst you relax for around 30 minutes. The treatment is totally pain-free allowing you to unwind as the NASA technology gets to work.

After the Celluma LED is removed, your aesthetician will apply a nourishing skin treatment and SPF to maximise the treatment results.

Who is Celluma Light Therapy Good For?

Celluma LED therapy is a highly versatile treatment that can be used as a powerful stand-alone or add-on treatment to most facials, mesotherapy and chemical peels.

This treatment is suitable for anybody wanting to see improvements in their skin tone, texture or overall skin health.

For those looking to alleviate acne-based concerns, we recommend Celluma Light Therapy 2-3 times weekly for 4-6 weeks before reassessing.

If you’re looking to see anti-ageing benefits, we recommend Celluma Light Therapy 2-3 times weekly for 12-16 weeks initially.

Results of Celluma Light Therapy vary. However, the treatment can be used more frequently if appropriate and desired - More frequent use may result in faster and more enhanced results.

Is it suitable for me?

Book a consultation using the button below to discuss the right course of treatment for you.

Why Skin Reset?

  • Our medical-grade treatments are based on scientific research proven to enhance and improve your skin’s health and appearance using minimally invasive techniques. We specialise in slowing down the ageing process and providing solutions for concerns such as acne, pigmentation and scarring.

  • Our products, like our treatments, are scientifically proven to benefit your skin, allowing you to take our skincare expertise home. Our range can improve your skin’s texture, tone, elasticity and glow.

  • Our passion lies in providing outstanding result-driven aesthetic treatments while educating our clients about how they can properly look after and care for their skin to prolong the results of their treatment.

Not sure which treatment is for you?

To better understand your skin and its needs, we offer in-person aesthetic consultations at our London studio to discuss your goals and desired outcomes, providing you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision on your choice of treatment.

*The consultation fee is redeemable against a treatment or products purchased or booked on the same day.